We are always looking for talented PhD students! Please contact Mete Atature, if you would like to become part of the QOMS research team to work on one of our research areas.

We also have a postdoctoral researcher vacancy, as highlighted below:

Research Associate in Quantum Sensing of Emergent Magnetism in Layered Materials

Application deadline: 28 October 2024

The aim of this role is to study emergent magnetism and the formation of nanoscale spin textures in a plethora of 2d layered material heterostructures using diamond-based scanning quantum magnetometry. The goal of this ambitious research program, with a strong interdisciplinary nature across quantum optics, quantum sensors, materials science and magnetism, is to capture emergent magnetic phenomena and their dynamics under electrical, magnetic, temperature and current control.

Come join us in QOMS!

Come join us in QOMS!