2025 Publications

116 - "A many-body quantum register for a spin qubit"
Nature Physics (2025); Press Release; Media coverage by EurekAlert!, Science Daily, Phys.org

2024 Publications

115 - "Laser activation of single group-IV colour centres in diamond"
Arxiv:2409.07421 (2024);

114 - "A single spin in hexagonal boron nitride for vectorial quantum magnetometry"
Arxiv:2408.10348 (2024);

113 - "Q-BiC: A biocompatible integrated chip for in vitro and in vivo spin-based quantum sensing"
Arxiv:2406.01181 (2024); Media coverage by New Scientist

112 - "Tuning the coherent interaction of an electron qubit and a nuclear magnon"
Arxiv:2404.19679 (2023);

111 - "Evidencing dissipation dilution in large-scale arrays of single-layer WSe2 mechanical resonators"
ACS Applied Electronic Materials (2024);

110 - "Valley-hybridized gate-tunable 1D exciton confinement in MoSe2"
ACS Nano (2024);

109 - "Nature of long-lived moiré interlayer excitons in electrically tunable MoS2/MoSe2 heterobilayers"
Nano Letters 24, 11232 (2024);

108 - "The defects genome of 2D Janus transition metal dichalcogenides"
Advanced Materials 36, 2403583 (2024);

107 - "A quantum coherent spin in a two-dimensional material at room temperature"
Nature Materials 23, 1379 (2024); Press Release; Media coverage by MSN.com, Science Daily, Evrim Agaci, Phys.org

106 - "Revealing emergent magnetic charge in an antiferromagnet with diamond quantum magnetometry"
Nature Materials 23, 205 (2024); Press Release; News & Views by Leonie Spitz and Max Hirschberger; Media coverage by Scientific American, IFLScience, Phys.org, SciTechDaily and PhysicsWorld

105 - "A diamond nanophotonic interface with an optically accessible deterministic electronuclear spin register"
Nature Photonics 18, 156 (2024); MIT Press Release; Media coverage by Phys.org, The Science Times

2023 Publications

104 - "Many-body singlet prepared by a central spin qubit" PRX Quantum 4, 040343 (2023);

103 - "Microwave-based quantum control and coherence protection of tin-vacancy spin qubits in a strain-tuned diamond membrane heterostructure"
Physical Review X 13, 041037 (2023); Press Release; Media coverage by Science, Phys.org

102 - "Simultaneous nanorheometry and nanothermometry using intracellular diamond quantum sensors"
ACS Nano 10, 20034 (2023);

101 - "Hyperfine Spectroscopy of Isotopically Engineered Group-IV Color Centers in Diamond"
PRX Quantum 4, 040301 (2023);

100 - "Time-crystalline behavior in central-spin models with Heisenberg interactions"
Physical Review B 108, 075302 (2023);

99 - "Imaging Nucleation and Propagation of Pinned Domains in Few-Layer Fe5xGeTe2"
ACS Nano 17, 16879 (2023);

98 - "Charge-carrier complexes in monolayer semiconductors" Physical Review B 108, 035420 (2023);

97 - "Layered materials as a platform for quantum technologies" Nature Nanotechnology 18, 555 (2023);

96 - "Intrinsic giant magnetoresistance due to exchange-bias-type effects at the surface of single-crystalline NiS2 nanoflakes"
Nanoscale 15, 10277 (2023);

95 - "Identification of Exciton Complexes in Charge-Tunable Janus WSeS Monolayers"
ACS Nano 17, 7326 (2023);

94 - "Ideal refocusing of an optically active spin qubit under strong hyperfine interactions" Nature Nanotechnology 18, 257 (2023); Press Release and News coverage in Phys.org and Wiener Zeitung;

2022 Publications

93 - "Photonic indistinguishability of the tin-vacancy center in nanostructured diamond" Physical Review Letters 129, 173603 (2022); Journal cover image

92 - "Optimal purification of a spin ensemble by quantum-algorithmic feedback" Physical Review X 12, 031014 (2022);

91 - "Room-temperature optically detected magnetic resonance of single defects in hBN" Nature Communications 13, 618 (2022); Press Release and News coverage in Phys.org;

90 - "Reaching Excitonic Limit in 2D Janus Monolayers by In-situ Deterministic Growth" Advanced Materials 34, 2106222 (2022); Journal cover image

2021 Publications

89 - "Quantum control of the tin-vacancy spin qubit in diamond" Physical Review X 11, 041041 (2021);

88 - "Witnessing quantum correlations in a nuclear ensemble via an electron spin qubit" Nature Physics 17, 1247 (2021); Press Coverage in Phys.org;

87 - "Multidimensional cluster states using a single spin-photon interface coupled strongly to an intrinsic nuclear register"
Quantum 5, 565 (2021);

86 - "Multi-angle reconstruction of domain morphology with all-optical diamond magnetometry" Physical Review Applied 16, 014054 (2021);

85 - "Confinement of long-lived interlayer excitons in WS2/WSe2 heterostructures"
Communications Physics 4, 119 (2021);

84 - "Quantum sensing of a coherent single spin excitation in a nuclear ensemble" Nature Physics 17, 585 (2021); News & Views by Paul Hilaire & Sophia Economou

2020 Publications

83 - "Nanoscale NMR spectroscopy using nanodiamond quantum sensors"
Physical Review Applied 13, 044004 (2020); Arxiv:1902.01784;

82 - "Transform-limited photons from a tin-vacancy spin in diamond"
Physical Review Letters 124, 023602 (2020);

2019 Publications

81 - "Optically Active Defects at the SiC/SiO2 Interface"
Physical Review Applied 24, 044024 (2019);

80 - "Optical spin locking of a solid-state qubit"
npj Quantum Information 5, 95 (2019);

79 - "Collective quantum memory activated by a driven central spin"
Physical Review Letters 123, 140502 (2019);

78 - "Coherently driving a single quantum two-level system with dichromatic laser pulses"
Nature Physics 15, 941 (2019); News & Views by Glenn Solomon

77 - "Quantum interface of an electron and a nuclear ensemble" Science 364, 62 (2019); Press Release.

76 - "Error corrected spin-state readout in a nanodiamond"
npj Quantum Information 5, 13 (2019);

2018 Publications

75 - "Charge-tuneable biexciton complexes in monolayer WSe2"
Nature Communications 9, 3721 (2018); Press Release. News & Views in Nature Nanotechnology.

74 - "Graphitic and oxidised high pressure high temperature (HPHT) nanodiamonds induce differential biological responses in breast cancer cell lines"
Nanoscale 10, 12169 (2018); Selected to the RSC Nanoscale Most Popular Articles of 2018.

73 - "Coherence of a dynamically decoupled quantum-dot hole spin "
Physical Review B 97, 241413 (2018);

72 - "Strain engineering of the silicon-vacancy center in diamond"
Physical Review B 97, 205444 (2018);

71 - "Controlling the coherence of a diamond spin qubit through its strain environment"
Nature Communications 9, 2012 (2018); Press Release.

70 - "Material platforms for spin-based photonic quantum technologies"
Nature Reviews Materials, 3 138 (2018);

69 - "All-Optical Control of the Silicon-Vacancy Spin in Diamond at Millikelvin Temperatures "
Physical Review Letters, 120 053603 (2018);

2017 publications

68 - "Improving a Solid-State Qubit through an Engineered Mesoscopic Environment "
Physical Review Letters, 119 130503 (2017); Press Release.

67 - "Controlling a nuclear spin in a nanodiamond"
Physical Review B, 96 115206 (2017);

66 - "Phase-Tuned Entangled State Generation between Distant Spin Qubits "
Physical Review Letters, 119 010503 (2017);

65 - "Coherent control of the silicon-vacancy spin in diamond "
Nature Communications, 8 15579   (2017);

64 - "Large-scale quantum-emitter arrays in atomically thin semiconductors "
Nature Communications, 8 15093   (2017); Press Release.

2016 publications

63 - "Demonstration of a Coherent Electronic Spin Cluster in Diamond "
Physical Review Letters, 117 100802 (2016); Arxiv version (2016);

62 - "Atomically thin quantum light emitting diodes"
Nature Communications, 7 12978 (2016); Press Release.

61 - "Quantum dot spin coherence governed by a strained nuclear environment” Nature Communications, 7 12745 (2016);

2015 publications

60 - "Quadrature squeezed photons from a two-level system"
Nature, 525, 222 (2015);
Supplementary Document
Arxiv.org version
Press Release.
media coverage in La Scienze, La Repubblica, phys.org, La Repubblica, La Scienza, Reddit, R&D Magazine, Nanowerk, Photonics.com, Eurekalert!, DailyScience, Hurriyet, Cumhuriyet, Science World Report, IFLS Science and OSA Optics & Photonics News.

59 - "Local Versus Long-Range Diffusion Effects of Photoexcited States on Radiative Recombination in Organic–Inorganic Lead Halide Perovskite"
Advanced Science, 2 1500136 (2015);

58 - "Direct Photonic Coupling of a Semiconductor Quantum Dot and a Trapped Ion"
Physical Review Letters, 114, 123001 (2015);
Physics Viewpoint by Nika Akopian.
media coverage in phys.org, Reddit, hngn.com, design&trend.com, themarketbusiness.com, DailyScience, Nanowerk, E&T Magazine and OSA Optics & Photonics News.

57 - "Dynamically Controlled Resonance Fluorescence Spectra from a Doubly Dressed Single InGaAs Quantum Dot"
Physical Review Letters, 114, 097402 (2015);

2014 publications

56 - "All-optical formation of coherent dark states of silicon-vacancy centres in diamond"
Physical Review Letters, 113, 263601 (2014);
Supplementary Document
Physics Viewpoint by Guido Burkard
selected to the Physics: Highlights of 2014 list
media coverage in phys.org, wn.com, Reddit, twitter.

55 - "Dynamics of a mesoscopic nuclear spin ensemble interacting with an optically driven electron spin"
Physical Review B, 90, 195305 (2014);

54 - "Frequency stabilization of the zero-phonon line of a quantum dot via phonon-assisted active feedback"
Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 172107 (2014);

53 - "Environment-assisted quantum control of a solid-state spin via coherent dark states"
Nature Physics, 10, 725 (2014);
Supplementary Document
Press Release (Cambridge), Press release (JQI) and media coverage in Reddit, Phys.org, EurekAlert!, ScienceDaily, Nanotechnology News, Nanowerk, Photonics Online.

52 - "A gem of a quantum teleporter"
Science, 345, 510 (2014);

51 - "Full counting statistics of quantum dot resonance fluorescence"
Scientific Reports, 4, 4911 (2014);

50 - "High Photoluminescence Efficiency and Optically Pumped Lasing in Solution-Processed Mixed Halide Perovskite Semiconductors"
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 5, 1421 (2014);

49 - "Optical signatures of silicon-vacancy spins in diamond"
Nature Communications, 5, 3328 (2014);
Supplementary Document
Highlighted in Nature Nanotechnology
Press Release and media coverage in Phys.org, New Electronics, Myscience.org, worldnews.com and Business Weekly.

48 - "Electronic structure of the silicon vacancy color center in diamond"
Physical Review Letters, 112, 036405 (2014);

47 - "Observing bulk diamond spin coherence in high-purity nanodiamonds "
Nature Materials, 13, 21 (2014);
Press Release and media coverage in Phys.Org, ScienceDaily, Laboratory Talk, AZonano, Nanowerk, Softpedia, Bio-Medicine.Org, Medical News Today, etc.

2013 publications

46 - "Phase-locked indistinguishable photons with synthesized waveforms from a solid-state source"
Nature Communications, 4, 1600 (2013);
Press release and media coverage in Laser Focus World, Phys.Org, Materials Today, Science News Online, Techworld, Physnews, IEEE Photonics, etc.

45 - "On-demand semiconductor single-photon source with near-unity indistinguishability"
Nature Nanotechnology, 8, 213 (2013);

2012 publications

44 - "Phonon-induced dephasing of chromium colour centres in diamond"
Physical Review B, 86, 195210 (2012);

43 - "Subnatural linewidth single photons from a quantum dot"
Physical Review Letters, 108, 093602 (2012);
Highlighted in Nature Photonics

2011 publications

42 - "Nanoscale optical electrometer"
Physical Review Letters, 107, 166802 (2011);

41 - "Spectral tunability of a plasmonic antenna with a dielectric nanocrystal"
Optics Express, 19, 18175 (2011);

40 - "Wide range electrical tunability of single photon emission from chromium-based colour centres in diamond"
New Journal of Physics, 13, 075001 (2011);

39 - "Coherent light scattering from a buried dipole in a high-aperture optical system"
New Journal of Physics, 13, 053056 (2011);

2010 publications

38 - "Highly polarized self-assembled chains of single layer InP/(In,Ga)P quantum dots"
Applied Physics Letters, 97, 253113 (2010);

37 - "Observation of spin-dependent quantum jumps via quantum dot resonance fluorescence"
Nature, 467, 297 (2010);
News & Views by Mikhail D. Lukin and Jacob Taylor

36 - "Direct measurement of quantum dot spin dynamics using time-resolved resonance fluorescence"
Phys. Rev. B, 81, 035332 (2010);

2009 publications

35 - "Photons and (artificial) atoms: an overview of optical spectroscopy techniques on quantum dots"
Contemporary Physics, 51, 17 (2009);

34 - "Low temperature optical characterization of near infrared single photon emitter in nanodiamonds"
New Journal of Physics, 11, 113029 (2009);

33 - "Confluence of resonant laser excitation and bidirectional quantum-dot nuclear-spin polarization"
Nature Physics 5, 758 (2009);
Published online on August 16, 2009. (doi:10.1038/nphys1363.)
News & Views by William A. Coish
The cover design by David Shand

32 - "Spin-resolved quantum-dot resonance fluorescence"
Nature Physics, 5, 198 (2009);
Published online on January 25, 2009. (doi:10.1038/nphys1182.)
News & Views by Charles Santori & Yoshihisa Yamamoto

31 - "Spectral and angular distribution of Rayleigh scattering from plasmon-coupled nanohole chains"
Applied Physics Letters, 94, 021112 (2009);

2008 publications

30 - "Single-dot optical emission from ultralow density well-isolated InP quantum dots"
Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 143111 (2008);

29 - "Conditional dynamics of interacting quantum dots"
Science, 320, 772 (2008);
Highlighted in Nature Photonics

28 - "Strong electron-hole exchange in coherently coupled quantum dots"
Physical Review Letters, 100, 106401 (2008);

27 - "Optical investigations of quantum dot spin dynamics"
Physical Review B, 77, 075317 (2008);

26 - "Optical control of quantum dot-spin states"
Invited Chapter in Semiconductor Quantum Bits
Edited by O. Benson and F. Henneberger, World Scientific Publishing Co. (2008);

earlier Pre-qoms publications

25 - "Strong extinction of a far-field laser beam by a single quantum dot"
Nano Letters, 7, 2892 (2007);
Published online on August 11, 2007. (doi: 10.1021/nl0717255)
Highlighted in Nature Photonics
24 - "Coupling quantum dot spins to a photonic crystal nanocavity"
Journal of Applied Physics, 101, 081602 (2007);
23 - "Observation of Faraday rotation from a single confined spin"
Nature Physics, 3, 101 (2007);
Published online on January 28, 2007. (doi: 10.1038/nphys521.)
News & Views by Lieven M. K. Vandersypen
22 - "Quantum nature of a strongly-coupled single quantum dot-cavity system"
Nature, 445, 896 (2007);
Published online on January 28, 2007. (doi: 10.1038/nature05586.)

2006 Publications

21 - "Quantum-dot spin-state preparation with near-unity fidelity"
Science, 312, 551 (2006);
Published online in Science Express on April 6 (doi: 10.1126/science.1126074).

2005 Publications

20 - "Tuning photonic crystal nanocavity modes by wet chemical digital etching"
Applied Physics Letters, 87, 021108 (2005).
19 - "Deterministic coupling of single quantum dots to single nanocavity modes"
Science, 308, 1158 (2005);
Perspective by T. F. Krauss
18 - "Spin-selective optical absorption of singly charged excitons in a quantum dot"
Applied Physics Letters, 86, 221905 (2005).
17 - "Voltage-controlled electron-hole interaction in a single quantum dot"
Journal of Superconductivity, 18, 245 (2005).

2004 Publications

16 - "Quantum dot single photon sources: Prospects for applications in linear optics QIP"
Physical Review A, 69, 032305 (2004).

2003 Publications

15 - "Direct observation of photon pairs at a single output port of a beam splitter interferometer"
Physical Review A, 68, 063817 (2003).

2002 Publications

14 - "Hyper-entangled states and free-space quantum cryptography"
Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng., 4821, 352 (2002).
13 - "Counter-Propagating Entangled Photons from a Waveguide with Periodic Nonlinearity"
Physical Review A, 66, 023815 (2002).
12 - "Entangled-Photon Generation from Parametric Down-Conversion in Media with Inhomogeneous Nonlinearity"
Physical Review A, 66, 013801 (2002).
11 - "Multiparameter Entanglement in Quantum Interferometry"
Physical Review A, 66, 023822 (2002).
10 - "Multiparameter Entanglement in Femtosecond Parametric Down Conversion"
Physical Review A, 65, 023808 (2002).

2001 Publications

9 - "Performance of Photon-Pair Quantum Key Distribution Systems"
Journal of Modern Optics, 48, 2055 (2001).
8 - "Entanglement in Cascaded-Crystal Parametric Down-Conversion"
Physical Review Letters, 86, 4013 (2001).

2000 Publications

7 - "Experimental Demonstration of Three Mutually Orthogonal Polarization States of Entangled Photons"
Physical Review Letters, 85, 5013 (2000).
6 - "Complementarity and Quantum Erasure With Entangled-Photon States"
Physical Review A, 62, 032106 (2000).
5 - "Experimental Demonstration of the Relative Phase-Difference Operator"
Journal of Optics B: Quantum and Semiclassical Optics, 2, 105 (2000).
4 - "Quantum Cryptography with Femtosecond Parametric Down-Conversion"
Qu. Comm., Comp., and Meas. 2, Kluwer/Plenum, New York, (2000).
3 - "Dispersion-Independent High-Visibility Quantum Interference in Ultrafast Parametric Down-Conversion"
Physical Review Letters, 84, 618 (2000).

1999 Publications

2 - "Quantum Cryptography Using Femtosecond-Pulsed Parametric Down-Conversion"
Physical Review A, 60, R2622 (1999).
1 - "Partial Distinguishability in Femtosecond Optical Spontaneous Parametric Down-Conversion"
Physical Review Letters, 83, 1323 (1999).